This is a home page designed to offer all internet users information about Robben Island and Apartheid. It is developed by Freedom with acknowledgements to various information sources. Please support the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund

Introduction - about robben island

History -

  • the 1600's - white men first arrived
  • the 1800's - the time of Makana
  • the 1900's - years of sorrow

    Apartheid - an introduction

    Prisoners - of robben island

    Madiba - Nelson Mandela

    Fauna - natural richness on the island


    Visiting details
    - booking, costs, and geography

    Who are the magical black people of this country?

    Nelson Mandela a special birthday wish 18 July 2003

  • � 1997-2010
    contact hosted by vanilla also see About Jews in Cape Town